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[Otherchart(vb调用vc dll)

Description: chart例程(vb调用vc dll)-chart routines (vb call vc dll)
Platform: | Size: 54659 | Author: 梁钢 | Hits:

[Windows Develop调用DLL中的函数演示代码

Description: vc调用DLL中的函数演示代码-vc call DLL function demo code
Platform: | Size: 4015104 | Author: 李刚 | Hits:


Description: VC做的下载工具,可以带下载进度-VC do download tool that can bring progress to download
Platform: | Size: 114688 | Author: 迅驰 | Hits:


Description: 动态链接MFC的常规DLL的实例-dynamic link MFC conventional examples of DLL
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 李永 | Hits:


Description: 用VC调用matlab的dll文件-VC call Matlab dll file
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 付少辉 | Hits:

[Otherchart(vb调用vc dll)

Description: chart例程(vb调用vc dll)-chart routines (vb call vc dll)
Platform: | Size: 54272 | Author: 梁钢 | Hits:


Description: 将一个m文件转成c /cpp文件并在VC中进行编译。这种方法有个烦人的地方,每次你都需要把matlab生成的一 大堆c和h文件考到vc中,比如我读入一副图片先做膨胀,再腐蚀,再进行小波变换,最后 显示。这样一个程序会生成大概150多个文件,每次都要拷贝这些文件很不方便。我试着用 了另外一种方法,可以简化这些工作。那就是不生成cpp文件交给VC去编译,而是直接在m atlab中生成一个dll交给VC去链接即可。这样无论matlab生成多少文件,都只需要拷贝三 个文件即可。 -m to a document conversion c/cpp files and compile VC. Such a method is a nagging place every time you need Matlab has generated a lot of c and h vc document examination, for example, I read a photo, first expansion, and corrosion, further wavelet transform, the last show. Such a procedure will probably generate more than 150 documents, each copy of these documents must be very inconvenient. I tried another kind of approach can simplify their work. It is not generating cpp documents to the VC to compile, but m atlab directly in the formation of a dll to the VC to link. No matter how many documents generated Matlab, only three need to copy documents.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 李震 | Hits:


Description: 在本篇文章中本人描述了在vc中创建dll的基本方法可能介绍的不够全面仅供参考-article in a footnote, I described the vc dll created the basic methods may be introduced not only comprehensive reference
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: ali | Hits:

[Post-TeleCom sofeware systemsdelphi+vc+dll

Description: 用delphi调用Vc的dll,实例,原码.和大家分享-Vc with delphi call the dll, example, the original code. And share
Platform: | Size: 3059712 | Author: lmlxp | Hits:


Description: vc++动态链接库(dll)编程深入浅出 一本好书 发出来给大家共享-vc++ dynamic-link library (dll) in layman
Platform: | Size: 1293312 | Author: 彭亮 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringVC++DLL

Description: VC++编写DLL程序的若干方法,请大家多提宝贵意见-VC++ Prepared DLL procedures in several ways, please remind everyone valuable advice
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: hugeshark | Hits:

[Delphi VCLvc++dll

Description: vc创建加载动态库 -vc created to load the dynamic libraries to load dynamic library to create vc
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: | Hits:


Description: cSharp调vc编写dll。使用VC编写封装访问eDNA的dll,然后用CSharp来调。-CSharp tune vc prepared dll. The use of VC visit eDNA prepared package of dll, and then to transfer CSharp.
Platform: | Size: 851968 | Author: 李峰 | Hits:


Description: VC++动态链接库(dll)编程深入浅出(pdf).pdf 适合初学者,可以对dll的编程有个初步了解-VC++ Dynamic-link library (dll) in layman s language and programming (pdf). Pdf suitable for beginners, programming dll can have a preliminary understanding of
Platform: | Size: 552960 | Author: 陆嘉鸣 | Hits:


Description: 《vc++动态链接库(dll)编程深入浅出》:由浅入深以实例讲述dll运态链接库编程相关知识,使你更好的了解d
Platform: | Size: 1689600 | Author: ywq | Hits:

[Windows Developvc-dll-function

Description: VC动态链接库的实例程序,包括动态链接库(调用函数)的生成和调用。-VC Examples of dynamic-link library procedures, including dynamic link library (call function) the generation and call.
Platform: | Size: 2121728 | Author: xiaolin | Hits:

[Windows DevelopVC-DLL-CLASS

Description: VC动态链接库的实例程序,包括动态链接库(调用类)的生成和调用实例。-VC Examples of dynamic-link library procedures, including dynamic link library (call type) the generation and call examples.
Platform: | Size: 5760000 | Author: xiaolin | Hits:

[OS programVC-dll

Description: 入门学习dll时,非常好的学习资料,讲解很清晰明了-Dll study entry, the very best learning materials, on a very clear
Platform: | Size: 741376 | Author: merry | Hits:


Description: VC++动态链接库(DLL)编程深入浅出-VC++ Dynamic Link Library (DLL) programming easy
Platform: | Size: 940032 | Author: linshaoye | Hits:


Description: Java 通过JNI 技术调用VC ++ DLL 的方法, 并设计了含有串口GPS 类和Java 导出 函数的DLL , 该DLL 既可以用于Java 访问串口GPS , 也可以用于VC ++ 访问串口GPS , 实现了Java和VC ++ 共用的动态连接库设计。-Java through JNI technology called VC++ DLL' s methods, and design and the Java class containing the serial GPS export function DLL, which both can be used for Java to access the serial port GPS, can also be used in VC++ to access the serial port GPS, to achieve a Java and VC++ shared dynamic link library design.
Platform: | Size: 207872 | Author: rocky | Hits:
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